The San Juan Water Commission, through a Joint Powers Agreement was created on March 5, 1986, to protect the use of future and existing water rights and water resources of its member entities. The San Juan Water Commission's member entities inlcude The City of Aztec, City of Bloomfield, City of Farmington, San Juan County, and San Juan County Rural Water Users Association, all of which receive their municipal water supply from surface water supplies.
Mission Statement: To protect the use of future and existing water rights and water resources of the member entities of the San Juan Water Commission
Meeting Information:The San Juan Water Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the San Juan Water Commission office at 7450 East Main Street, Farmington NM, 87402, unless otherwise noticed.

SJWC Draft Strategic Plan
Download FileSan Juan Water Commission Members
City of Aztec
City of Bloomfield
City of Farmington
San Juan County
​San Juan County Rural Water Users Assc.